Four days after the war started between Russia and Ukraine, my wife and I were in eastern Czech Republic. We were working with our church contacts in the region to aid in the process of getting refugees out of Ukraine to safety. We were privileged to meet a woman and her two children who were some of the first refugees to flee the country. We had an opportunity to sit with her and care for her and her children as she was a bit dazed and confused as to what was happening. She had to leave their house quickly and was only able to take a few items, so we were working to gather clothes and supplies for them. Her world was unraveling fast and the Lord allowed us a chance to sit with her and listen to her heart. At one point, a few helicopters flew overhead and when she became aware of them her body recoiled at their approach. Later, when her children were playing at a playground, she voiced to my wife that she felt guilty for being there with us. She asked my wife, “How can I be outside in this beautiful place while my husband and the people I love are hiding in basements?”

Missionary work is not a numbers game.
The unreached are people, not just a percentage that we are trying to shrink or a goal we are trying to reach by a certain date. They are people who live in a fallen world, in fallen bodies, filled with the hurt that comes from their own sin and the sin of others against them. The work of the gospel is to live among people, not only to share the gospel, but also to share our very lives (1 Thes. 2:8). It is weeping with those who left their home because of war, sharing in the good and the bad of life, and loving those who do not know how to love you back. We do this for the sake of Christ, the gospel, and His mission. The people we serve are human beings created by God to be loved, not just statistics on a page.
I share this with you because our heart at To Every Tribe is to send missionaries to the complex and remote places of the world to impart both the gospel and their lives. Our central value in this mission is love (1 Cor. 13:1-3). We go because we are committed to sharing the gospel, making disciples, and seeing those disciples form into healthy, reproducing, locally-led churches. The love of God compels us to go and to share with the world the transformative good news of the gospel to every tribe and people group (2 Cor. 5:14-15).

This past year, we have witnessed the compelling love of God at To Every Tribe.
We watched as one of our missionaries had to cross through rivers, hike through jungles, and climb a mountain to share and live out the gospel among an unreached tribe. While he was there, he became ill with several diseases. He stayed as long as he could and then descended the mountain with the team of local leaders to eventually get evacuated to a hospital to receive care. Why do this? Because the love of Christ compelled him to go and bring the good news of God’s love, even if it meant risking his own life to do it.
One of our missionary couples lives in a remote place where there is much suffering. In the course of this year, there have been been many deaths and suicides. This couple has taken the time to love and care for every family who was touched by death—showing compassion and sharing the good news of the gospel with this community that had been hit hard this past year. Why do this? Why do they put themselves in a place where there is deep pain and where they have to bear so much? Because the love of Christ compelled them to do this.
I could go on and tell you about those in our ministry who faced dangerous situations, had to confront false teachers, and have brought the wisdom of the gospel to many people who were hurting due to poor decisions they made in their lives. Why do we do this? We do it because the love of Christ compels us to go, live, serve, and share the good news of the gospel with every tribe that the Lord sends us to.

We want to keep going. We are compelled to go!
We see the utter devastation that sin has brought to families, communities, and nations and we want to bring the gospel, make disciples, and to see those disciples form into local churches. We want to do this because we desire to see hope replace sorrow and joy form out of pain. We desire to see Christ worshiped among all peoples. We must go!
Thank you for your partnership in this endeavor. Because of you, we are able to send missionaries to the nations with the gospel. As we come to the end of the year, I not only want to thank you for your support, but also to ask those of you who have not had the opportunity, to support the mission of To Every Tribe. We know that our economy is in a tough spot now, but any gift amount will help us deal with the rising costs of sending and supporting missionary teams.
Again, thank you for standing with us. Pray for us as we seek to be faithful with the mission the Lord has entrusted to us. May God bless you richly.

For the Glory of Christ to the Nations,

Dr. Steve Leston
President & CEO